Informations for incomings
We are pleased that you are interested in studying at our university within the frame of the Erasmus+ programme.
International Office
The International Office is your point of contact for all questions regarding your stay in Saarbrücken:
- Your application
- Local organisation
- Problems or questions during your stay
- Issuance of certificates
Please make sure to contact the International Office after your arrival in Saarbrücken and before your return to your home country.
Under the Erasmus+ programme, you can send your application to the HfM Saar if you are nominated by your home university. Please send your applications via your International Office or via EASY.
Deadline for applications:
The application deadline for the summer and winter semester at HfM Saar is 31 October and 28 February, respectively.
Application documents to be submitted via your International Office or EASY:
- Curriculum vitae
- Transcript of Records
- Digital sound recording or video with a 20-minute programme
Fields of study offered by the university:
Under this link you can find the curricula to inform yourself about the study courses and ECTS offered. Please choose your field of study (e.g. “Orchesterinstrumente”) and click on “Modulhandbuch/Prüfungsordnung”. There you will find the study plans of our programs which will help you to fill in the Learning Agreements. If you have any questions regarding the study plans, please contact
You have to pay the semester contribution at HfM Saar, which is obligatory for every student in Germany. This is not a tuition fee.
European Health Insurance Card:
During a temporary stay in one of the 28 EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, this free card gives you access to medically necessary public health services – on the same terms and conditions and at the same costs (free in some countries) as those insured in the respective country. The card is issued by your statutory health insurance provider. Similar to the former Certificate of Entitlement to Benefits in Kind during a Stay in Another Member State, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is only valid for temporary stays abroad (holidays, secondment of employees, job search, studies). It covers medically necessary treatment by doctors, dentists or at hospitals as well as necessary treatment of pre-existing or chronic medical conditions during a temporary stay abroad. The card cannot be used if you travel abroad for the express purpose of obtaining medical treatment. As before, such treatment should only be sought after approval by your health insurance provider. The card does not guarantee free treatment. Health insurance systems vary from country to country. In other countries, you may have to pay for services which are free in your home country.
Please note that we cannot provide rooms for guest students. We therefore recommend that you look for accommodation in good time. You may also contact our student’s union for support:
German lessons:
Erasmus+ students may participate in the German lessons (levels A1 to B2) offered by the Universität des Saarlandes or the HTW Saar. More information can be found here:
Sprachkurse am Sprachenzentrum der Universität des Saarlandes
Erasmus+ Charter for students (en)
Informations for incomings
We are pleased that you are interested in studying at our university within the frame of the Erasmus+ programme.
International Office
The International Office is your point of contact for all questions regarding your stay in Saarbrücken:
- Your application
- Local organisation
- Problems or questions during your stay
- Issuance of certificates
Please make sure to contact the International Office after your arrival in Saarbrücken and before your return to your home country.
If you want to attend the HfM Saar within the frame of the Erasmus+ programme, the first step is to check if there already exists a bilateral agreement between your home university and the HfM Saar. Your home university must send us your nomination, confirming us that you have been granted the status of an Erasmus student.
ERASMUS students can study at HfM Saar for a period of up to two semesters.
Wenn Sie im Rahmen des Erasmus-Programms an der HfM Saar studieren möchten, müssen Sie zunächst prüfen, ob es bereits ein bilaterales Abkommen zwischen Ihrer Heimatuniversität und der HfM Saar gibt. Ihre Heimathochschule muss uns Ihre Nominierung übermitteln und uns bestätigen, dass Sie den Status eines Erasmus-Studenten erhalten haben.
ERASMUS-Studierende können an der HfM Saar bis zu zwei Semester lang studieren.
Admission and nomination for ERASMUS/exchange students
International applicants participating in ERASMUS programme or other bilateral exchange programmes gain admission to the Hochschule für Musik (HfM Saar) Saar through the International Office.
Students from our partner institutions are admitted as non-degree students for a limited study period (one or two semesters). They are allowed to register for classes and to earn course credit points under equal conditions as regular students
Application deadlines:
Winter term / Whole academic year: March 14th
Summer term: November 28th
(In justified exceptional cases, the application deadlines for Erasmus students can be extended!)
Application procedure
ERASMUS students must be officially nominated by their home university.
Your application must include the following documents/informations:
- Application form
- Curriculum Vitae
- Motivation letter
- Link(s) to video/sound recording(s)
After your application has been acknowledged by the relevant professor, it will also be examined by our study commission. If both parties agree to it, you will receive from us your invitation as guest student.
Zulassung und Nominierung für ERASMUS- / Austauschstudierende
Internationale Studienbewerber, die am ERASMUS-Programm oder anderen bilateralen Austauschprogrammen teilnehmen, werden über das International Office der Hochschule für Musik Saar zugelassen.
Die Studierenden unserer Partnerhochschulen werden für eine begrenzte Studienzeit (ein oder zwei Semester) als außerordentliche Studierende zugelassen. Sie können sich zu den gleichen Bedingungen wie reguläre Studierende in Lehrveranstaltungen einschreiben und Leistungspunkte erwerben.
Wintersemester / Ganzes akademisches Jahr: 14. März
Sommersemester: 28. November
(In begründeten Ausnahmefällen können die Bewerbungsfristen für Erasmus-Studierende verlängert werden!)
ERASMUS-Studierende müssen von ihrer Heimatuniversität offiziell nominiert werden.
Ihre Bewerbung umfasst die folgenden Dokumente/Informationen:
- Bewerbungsformular
- Lebenslauf
- Motivationsschreiben
- Link(s) zu Video- oder Tonaufnahme(n)
Nach der Annahme Ihrer Bewerbung durch den zuständigen Lehrenden wird diese auch von unserer Studienkommission geprüft. Wenn beide Seiten Ihrer Bewerbung zustimmen, erhalten Sie von uns eine Einladung als Gaststudent.
German lessons:
Erasmus+ students may participate in the German lessons (levels A1 to B2) offered by the Universität des Saarlandes or the HTW Saar. More information can be found here:
Sprachkurse am Sprachenzentrum der Universität des Saarlandes